Religion, Civil Society and Personal (Family) Law Reform in Post-Colonial Nation States: Interrogating Secularity in India and Beyond

Anindita Chakrabarti will host a workshop on “Religion, Civil Society and Personal (Family) Law Reform in Post-Colonial Nation States: Interrogating Secularity in India and Beyond” at the KFG “Multiple Secularities” on 25 June 2019 at Strohsackpassage, room 5.55.

The deadline for abstracts of max. 600 words is 15 February 2019.
Please send them to:

The workshop aims to unpack some of the recent as well as historical dynamics of judicial reform of personal law in India in order to think through how the principle of secularity has been intertwined with the questions of authority, authenticity and governance. We are looking for empirically grounded work that can contribute to a better understanding of the conceptual issues vis-à-vis the shifting contours of the guiding principles of secularity in post-colonial democracies. We also seek papers from other national contexts where similar issues of religious freedom, gender and personal law reforms have undergirded the debate on secularity in contemporary times.

Complete announcement: (7 January 2019).


EEGA Graduate- and Postgraduate-Grants Leibniz ScienceCampus „Eastern Europe – Global Area“ (EEGA)


Ausschreibung: Programm zur finanziellen Unterstützung von Workshops 2019/2020 Forum for the Study of the Global Condition